The main priority is to ensure the safety and welfare of all the children in our care in line with the procedures laid out by my local Safeguarding Children's Board, KSCB (Kent Safeguarding Children’s Board). 

(The Safeguarding Children Board is responsible for producing Safeguarding Children Procedures based on national guidelines set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children (Dept. of Education & Skills). It monitors the effectiveness of the Procedures systematically and amends them as it becomes necessary.)

 Training on Safeguarding Children (Child Protection) has been undertaken by all staff members and we are aware of the signs and symptoms of child abuse, physical, emotional and sexual, and those of neglect. If we were ever concerned it will be recorded and we would contact the correct professionals.

If we have reason to believe that any child in our care is being abused in any way, we will gather the correct evidence and investigate the matter before liaising with the Duty Social Worker for Social Services and Child protection Team. Under these circumstances we will not be able to keep information relating to your child confidential, but will need to share it with Ofsted, Social Services and the Police if requested.

We will ensure that any individual who is not suitable to work with children has no unsupervised access to any child in our care at any time. We have read and understand the safeguarding requirements of the EYFS and will adopt these in our setting. We have also read the national statutory guidance document working together to safeguard children 2015, as well as the Ofsted safeguarding guidance, inspecting safeguarding in early years education and skills settings. 

We will keep up to date with training to support the care and needs of the children in the setting and will work together with the parents and inform them if we have any concerns. We will always follow the procedures in the confidentiality policy. Sharing all information with parents but in some cases (if worried about a child’s wellbeing) may have to refer concerns without discussing this with you. We at Little Acorns Childcare will always put the child’s safety first. 

We will ask parents or carers to inform us of any injury or illness the child may have if happened at home. When coming to the setting, this will be recorded on an accident/incident home form and parents will be asked to date and sign when they have informed a member of staff  

We will never let a child out of our care with an unauthorised person, if a parent wishes for another adult to collect, they must inform a member of staff when dropping off or contact us during the session. They must provide phot ID and the child’s password, if the adult is not able to give the correct password or unable to provide photo ID then we will not let the child out of our care and the parent will have to collect. We will also never let a child leave with anyone that we think may be under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

If a child were to confide in me about another child or themselves.  We would follow these steps:

• Show that we have heard what they are saying, and that we take their allegations seriously.

• Encourage the child to talk, but we will not prompt them or ask them leading questions. we will not interrupt when a child is recalling significant events and will not make a child repeat their account.

• Explain what actions we must take, in a way that is appropriate to the age and understanding of the child.

• Record what we have been told using exact words where possible.

• Make a note of the date, time, place and people who were present at the discussion.

We would then report this to the Designated Safeguarding Lead in the setting who would then contact the local safeguarding board and social services to ask for advice and what should be done next, following the steps and working alongside them recording everything. 

If an allegation is made against a member of staff, or any other adult or child in our setting we will report it to Ofsted and the Local Authority designated officer or team of officers, following the Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures. We will also contact PACEY’s Helpline on 0300 003 0005 for advice and support. 

In all instances we will record. 

• the child’s full name and address

• the date and time of the record

• factual details of the concern, for example bruising, what the child said, who was present

• details of any previous concerns

• details of any explanations from the parents

• any action taken such as speaking to parents.

The designated safeguarding officer of the setting will ensure that all staff including apprentices/placements and volunteers are fully aware of the Safeguarding Children Policy and procedures and ensure that they have up to date knowledge of safeguarding issues.

They also ensure they are fully aware of the signs of possible abuse and neglect and notice these at the earliest opportunity and respond in a timely and appropriate way. These may include: 

  • Significant changes in children's behaviour.

  • Deterioration in children's general well-being.

  • Unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse or neglect.

  • Children's comments which give cause for concern.

Any reasons to suspect neglect or abuse outside the setting, for example in the child's home; and/or Inappropriate behaviour displayed by other members of staff, or any other person working with the children. For example, inappropriate sexual comments; excessive one-to-one attention beyond the requirements of their usual role and responsibilities; or inappropriate sharing of images. 

We will inform Ofsted of any allegations of serious harm or abuse by any person living, working, or looking after children at the premises whether the allegations relate to harm or abuse committed on the premises or elsewhere. We will also notify Ofsted of the action taken in respect of the allegations.

These notifications will be made as soon as is reasonably practicable, but at the latest within 14 days of the allegations being made.

Whilst your child is in our care, we will utilise digital cameras and mobile technology which includes, mobile phones, tablet devices and other forms of electronic storage, these devices will be used to store digital photographs and other electronic data, whilst using these devices within and outside of my setting I will follow these guidelines:

  • Staff switch off their phone on arrival to shift & are then locked in a phone box.

  • We will seek your permission to allow a camera or other digital device to take and store photographs for record keeping or display purposes.

  • If using a camera, or other digital device to take photographs of your child, the photographs will be uploaded to the Blossom system, used for daily diaries, observations, or from time-to-time advertising purposes, the photographs will then be removed from the devices.

  • We will not distribute or publish any images of your child without your consent.

  • We will always be able to justify to Ofsted the reason for taking the photographs.

  • We will always ensure children are appropriately dressed.

Procedure if a child is lost or goes missing

At Little Acorns Childcare we will safely supervise children when we go on outings or trips and undertake a risk assessment before leaving the setting.

We teach the children about safety when we are out and about and tell them what to do if they do become lost according to their age and stage of development.  For example, when we get to the park we will talk about where to go if they cannot see a member of staff and think that they are lost.  We also teach the children about the potential danger of strangers and shouting NO if they feel threatened or uncomfortable.  

If a child goes missing in our care, we will firstly check our arranged meeting place.  We would also shout their name and do a quick search of the immediate area.  I would ensure that the other children were together and with a member off staff whilst keeping a calm attitude towards the situation.  If the child cannot be found the police would then be called immediately, providing a description of the child, their clothing and the whereabouts of where they were last seen. If a child goes missing in a public place e.g., a library, park, shop or shopping centre we would also alert and notify the staff, park warden, security staff and anyone needed at the time. We would call and advise the relevant parents as soon as is reasonably practical to do so.

After the event, the incident would be recorded and reported to the relevant professionals. 

Procedure if child is not collected when supposed to be

Parents are asked to telephone or message via ‘Blossom’ as soon as possible if they are going to be late. We are aware that parents/carers can be delayed for different reasons.

If a child is not collected within 30 minutes from the original agreed collection time. We would then contact the parents/carers.  If there is no reply, we will then try the emergency contact numbers for that child. During this time, a member of staff will reassure the child, do activities to take the child's mind off any distress due to what is always happening and keep them safe.

We will continue to try the parents/carers contact and emergency numbers and leave messages but after an hour from the original agreed collection time we will phone the local authority duty social worker for advice.

If the child is passed to the child protection agency we will continue to get in touch with the parents/carers. Under no circumstance we would release the child to an adult who is incapable of looking after the child e.g., if intoxicated or taken drugs or is not a registered parent/carer or emergency contact. The police will be called in this situation. 

If we have any concerns about a child in our care, the designated safeguarding lead will contact Kent Safeguarding Children Board's Independent Chair, Gill Rigg. The Board sets the performance, policy and strategic priorities for KSCB. It is responsible for ensuring that statutory requirements are met, and resources are in place to meet these. Its membership comprises of senior representatives from all agencies responsible for child protection arrangements in Kent.

Their website is:

They have a team who deal with children of concern. The intergrated Front Door telephone number is 03000 41 11 11.

They also have an out of hours contact number that you can call any time if there are concerns for a child. That number is 03000 41 91 91. The team is there to support and help with concerns about a child or even an adult that you feel is not suitable to be working alongside children.

If you have concerns about a member of staff and need to contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) you can do so using the following contact number 03000 41 08 88.  

The LADO may also be contacted by using the following email address:

Useful Telephone Numbers/Information:

·       Little Acorns Childcare Designated Lead is SARAH JUDGE

  • Safeguarding consult line: Folkestone & Hythe 03000 423154

·       Integrated Front Door: 03000 411111 (outside office hours 03000 419191)

·       Early Help Contacts (district teams) can be found on

·       Police Station: 01622 690690

·       KSCB: 0300 042 112 6

·       Ofsted: 0300 123 123 1

·       FGM helpline on 0800 028 3550 or email

·       LADO: 0300 041 088 8


 If you are seriously concerned about a child’s welfare in an immediate situation, call 999.